My son and this girl had *words* at the lunch table. He voiced his opinion and disagreed with her, and words escalated from there. She then reached over and dug her nails and scratched up his arm, drawing blood, raising the skin and causing black and blue marks. My son did not retaliate because he won:t hit a girl. During his next class, his arm started to itch and bleed. He went to the nurse. She told him to write up a report. He did. The result? The dean told him he was going to move his seat at lunch. My son protested and asked what her punishment was. *None of your business* was his reply. It has been 4 days after the incident, and my son:s arm is still bruised and scabbed. The girl never received a detention or suspension. My son however, has received detentions and in house suspensions for far less in the past.
I agree that both students need to be talked to, when an altercation has occurred. Physical violence, however, should result in some form of punishment.